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Senior Vocal Recital

This recital was an expression of the development of voice, spirit, and creativity that took place for Thea over four years of artistic and vocal study at St. Olaf College. The program was performed on May 4th, 2019, and featured repertoire by Donizetti, Mozart, Borgstrøm, Olsen, Bolcom, and Corigliano, as well as Adele, I'm With Her, Peter, Paul, and Mary, and The Beatles. The recital was performed by Thea Lund in collaboration with Nick Love, Greta Ramsey, Sophie Wang, Grace Jackson, and Ally Moore.

The program was based off of a commonly-used zine template, and the QR code on the second page led the audience members to a website that contained program notes, texts and translations, and collaborator bios. You can visit this website below. 

The recital was an experiment in integrating new media into a traditional recital format to try to enhance the experience of the audience and include many forms of art, rather than voice alone.


Senior Vocal Recital Program Zine, 2019

Visit accompanying program notes website here.


Senior Vocal Recital Poster, 11x17 poster, 2019

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